Saturday, August 30, 2008

A week in review!!

So this week we have done a few things with Moms club. I will post some pictures! Today we pick up my mom from the airport and then Monday morning our flight leaves at 6AM!! We will get to TX Monday morning and we plan to go to Sea World for FREE. Tuesday we meet with Kyle's lawyer, Wednesday we will do the hearing and Thursday is our flight back home. We hope to do some sight seeing while we are there, take a little vacation on the Army's time!! After we get back, we will be here about a week and then the girls, my mom and I are headed back to good Ole Missouri to start on our house. We have to do some updating to it, so that should be LOTS of fun!!
So enjoy some pics please.
These are from Chuck E Cheese, a place where a kid can be a kid!!

Kylie doing a motion ride
Nana thought this was a rolla coaster!!


Nana wanting it to go faster

Chuck E

1 comment:

Foremans on the Go said...

Hi Gramling Family! It's the Foremans writing you from Africa! We enjoyed reading through your blog and seeing your pics. It's amazing how fast kids grow. So glad you found a mom's club-I'll be looking for something like that here for our kids too. Well, have a super day! Dan,Allison, Lucas & Alexis